Does attendance REALLY matter?
YES, attendance matters, the benefits to your child are enormous, we want every child in school, doing, playing, enquiring, thinking and absorbing all we have to offer.
Should my child go to school today?
Headache, earache, toothache and stomach ache - YES - your child can attend school today, let a staff member know that your child is feeling a little poorly and we will monitor.
Coughs and Colds – YES – so long as your child is not suffering with one of the Covid 19 symptoms (see below) your child can attend school.
- We will support by washing hands with soap and water often.
- Using hand sanitiser if washing hands is not an option.
- Covering our mouth and nose with a tissue when we sneeze – catch it, kill it, bin it.
- We can take a pupils temperature if it is necessary.
Sore throat and tonsillitis – YES - your child can attend school today, provide your child with paracetamol before school, plenty of fluids and let a staff member know and we will monitor.
It is the legal duty of parents to ensure the regular attendance of a child of compulsory school age. Failure to do so could result in the school issuing a penalty notice or prosecuting the parents in the magistrates court.
Covid 19 Absence
If your child has any of the following symptoms please do not send them to school:
- A new continuous cough
- A high temperature
- A loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste and smell
Instead, please contact the Covid website on https/ or call 111 for advice.
If your child has to have a Covid test please inform the school office of the test results immediately, so we can action our procedures.
Request for Absence
There are very few reasons why your child should not be in school today.
Requests for absence during term time will not be authorised. Any requests for the purpose of visiting family, attending family occasions or celebrations will not be authorised.
Penalty notices will be issued for all unauthorised absence. A penalty notice is a fine of £60 per parent, per child, if paid within 21 days or £120 if paid within 28 days.
If a child is absent for 21 continuous days without any contact, your child will be removed from the register and reported as missing in education. This means your child cannot return to the school and you will need to re-register with the local authority.
Give your child the best chance of success. Who’s in?