Our Staff

At Gorse Hill Primary School and Nursery, we have some of the most skilled and talented teachers and support staff. They are passionate about their roles and the impact that they have on a daily basis, making the school and nursery a fun and exciting place to be.


Mrs Candida Hutchinson - Principal, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L Francis - Assistant Principal, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs B Thompson - Assistant Principal, SENCO & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Teaching Staff

Miss C Taylor - Early Years Phase Leader

Mrs R Ball - Key Stage 1 Phase Leader

Mr J Pryce - Lower Key Stage 2 Phase Leader

Mrs J Hennessy - Upper Key Stage 2 Phase Leader

Mrs L Francis - Assistant Principal, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss A Grace - Teacher

Mrs N Price - Teacher

Mrs Evans - Teacher

Ms T Pettett - Teacher

Miss L Gonsalves Teacher

Mr O Hire - Teacher

Miss E Hutchinson - Teacher

Miss C D'Souza - Teacher

Miss M Long - Teacher

Ms H Truman - Teacher

Mrs K Breen - Teacher

Miss L Pastore - Teacher

Support Staff

Ms M Borges - HTLA - maternity leave

Mrs D Dawes - Teaching Assistant & MDSA

Mrs J Chadwick - Teaching Assistant & MDSA

Mrs D Cripps - Teaching Assistant & MDSA

Mrs J Crisp - Teaching Assistant

Mrs C Crook - Teaching Assistant & MDSA

Mrs G Cushion - Teaching Assistant

Mrs A Mouldon - Teaching Assistant

Mrs K Payne - Teaching Assistant & MDSA

Mrs M Sear - Teaching Assistant & MDSA

Mrs R Sihra - Teaching Assistant

Miss F Afzal - Teaching Assistant & MDSA

Mrs A Bano - Teaching Assistant

Miss S Haakanson - Teaching Assistant - maternity leave

Nursery Staff

Mrs S Hendon - Nursery Practitioner

Ms K Nightingale - Nursery Practitioner

Inclusion Team

Mrs R Ginger - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & Inclusion Manager

Mrs L Sims - Learning Mentor, ELSA (Key Stage 2) & MDSA

Mrs Jordan - Learning Mentor and ELSA (Key Stage 1)


Mrs R Milton - Pupil Services Officer

Mrs K Bragg - Pupil Services Administrator

Miss E Wilkins - Pupil Services Administrator

Midday Support

Mrs S Culley - MDSA

Grounds and Premises

Mr G Tudgay - Site Manager


Gorse Hill is not only a great school for pupils, it’s also a fantastic school for teachers. Working in partnership with The White Horse Federation, we offer teachers extensive support, fantastic resources, and a range of training opportunities. We welcome teachers of all experience, whether they have recently qualified or have been teaching pupils for many years. If you are interested in joining Gorse Hill School and Nursery, follow the link below: